Information and Transparency Policy
Kar Porselen provides timely, accurate, complete, understandable, analytical and
accessible information to shareholders and stakeholders about the company’s past
performance and future expectations and developments. For this purpose, the
company information policy is created and published on the corporate website.
Our Environmental and Occupational Health Policy
As the Kar Porselen family, we aim to protect and continuously improve the environment and human health by applying the Environmental Management System and Occupational Health and Safety Management System requirements in all our activities.
Our Human Resources Policy
While aiming to realize the commitment and happiness of our employees at the highest level,
by applying innovative human resources systems, in order to contribute to the achievement of
the goals of our organization based on the strategic plan…
Our Information Security Policy
As Kar Porselen, in our activity field, it is highly important for us to meet the legal requirements, to ensure
the service delivery to meet the needs and expectations of our customers, suppliers and third party
interlocutors, to provide access to services offered in a quality, fast and secure manner, and to reach the
information assets of our Employees in a timely, complete, accurate and uninterrupted manner.
Our Integrated Management Systems Policy
Kar Porselen currently acts with strategic decisions aiming to meet customer expectations that may arise in the future . Our main goal is to offer aesthetic, genuine, innovative, healthy, environmental-friendly and superior quality products and to ensure continuity in customer satisfaction.
Our Social Responsibility Policy
Company activities are carried out within the framework of documented Kar Porselen business ethics rules
and procedures. In order to fulfill its social responsibilities, the company complies with regulations and
ethical rules to protect the environment, consumer and public health. Kar Porselen supports and respects
internationally recognized human rights documents and the principles expressed in these documents. It
fights all forms of corruption, including extortion and bribery.
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