Kar Porselen provides timely, accurate, complete, understandable, analytical and
accessible information to shareholders and stakeholders about the company’s past
performance and future expectations and developments. For this purpose, the
company information policy is created and published on the corporate website.
Kar Porselen Board of Directors prepares / has the annual activity reports prepared in
accordance with the legislation and presents them to the shareholders to be
presented to the shareholders prior to the ordinary general assembly meetings.
Public Disclosure in Crisis Situations
In the event of a crisis within the company (natural disasters, unethical behavior,
etc.), the General Manager, Chairman of the Board or the Commercial Director,
respectively, inform the public on behalf of Kar Porselen Company for information
and transparency.
Announcement of Real Person Ultimate Controlling Shareholder (s)
The real person ultimate controlling shareholder or owners of the company are
disclosed in the annual activity reports.